Friday, August 13, 2010


Unplanned journey where as my memory traced back through a reverse gear,so as the ink smudges on to the white sheet of paper where once i thought that lady would be the dawn and shadow of my life, as my mind hit upon a very sad emotion that drew my heart a inch closer to a bitter pain that literally letdown.The fog which wrapped the sun's ray, rambling trees around and a smooth ride cross the road where my eyes just glanced to find, a lady with a gracious smile, i stepped forward to meet her, the very presence and the aptness send a chill through my spine.Meeting up with different occasions just brought us together in work and in leisure time , i touched her heart that drew her closer. Days passed by just like the pace of the breeze, my job in the Forrest department  had no much longer stand as i had been transfered to a far off place. About to depart in a minute she shed a tear drop which i knew she would miss me and so do i. Reached where i had too, quickly drafted a letter to my lady love who had been distantly far away. Replies to my letters i received with eagerness and i knew for sure distance couldnt  separate our relationship. Time and seasons passed by so did she and her letters and i visited her to hear she was comfortable in that place and familiar with people around and she Hurley told me i would be delayed if i stayed around as the buses plying via the route had stopped its service. Believing in a word called love i started my journey way back. On the full moon day i had been to the theatre  to watch a movie as i was leaving i saw her with some one not so familiar as i quickly marched through the gap to meet her, she laid her hands on the railing as those beautiful finger had a ring which sparkled the voice of marriage. Silently, deeply that shook my heart . Years later i passed by those streams seated in a bus which i boarded  with different people set out on a planned journey, a young man sat beside me with a frowned face and weeped in between the journey. Humbly, gently  patiently asked him the reason a reply  with not much effort quietly said he was alright. I looked straight into his eyes and could read his heart and knew over all, through all and in all disturbing him. The bus stopped he hurried down and we could see people grieving terribly  
and visibility of a coffin parading through the gates. Those years and the lady aren't there anymore in my memory and i would only be able to recall one incidence that touched my heart ,that a tear drop from that dejected man who had lost a dear one. I haven't seen him before and will never see that face again. Now sleep is slipping down the curtains of my eyes and miles to go before i light the lamp in front of the temple.

Thursday, August 12, 2010




"I'm bored" we've said it so often and we've heard it being said. why do we get bored? what is the solution to boredom?
Boredom is a state of mind. In that state, nothing appeals to us,nothing excites us,and nothing interests us. Boredom is not something that hits us from the outside,its nothing external. It is not like day and night or like the seasons that are inevitable. Boredom is in the mind,though it might be related to the presence or absence of people,events or material element's that are outside the person. Most often people get bored when they are weighed down by tasks that they don't like, or don't want to do. If that's the case one way of avoiding boredom is to learn to say "NO" whenever possible. For example - if you have to go shopping or attend a wedding that you know will bore you with family members or friends you have the choice to say 'no'. Sometimes you may have no choice and will have to tag along or will have to suffer the company of people whom you may not like. In such cases one has no choice but to grin and bear it, although you still have the option of engaging in some form of thinking,daydreaming or analysis which can go on inside your head, even as you are physically present at that place.
The most common reason for boredom is when one does not have anything worthwhile to do. Take up a hobby,call up old friends or relatives,start writing a journal,learn a new art like drawing,painting or music, remember all the things you wanted to do, but could not due to lack of time. Boredom is often the starting point for inspirational ideas and many discoveries and inventions have happened when people who are responsible for these had nothing to do and were in a state of extreme boredom.
Make your boredom a rejoicing, a time to think ,plan ,introspect and come out with brilliant workable ideas reconnect with others and yourself, instead of fretting and fuming and generally making yourself and those around you miserable with your continuous lamenting. Boredom or constantly feeling bored can mean two things  one - you don't know yourself , you don't know what you like, what you dislike,what makes you hipper and what irritates you. For if you really knew yourself , you would also know why your are bored and would also know what would get you out of boredom.
Like everything ,boredom too has its benefits,if you use the time effectively and creatively. Otherwise you can keep complaining that you are bored and waste the one and only life that  GOD has given you, in a bored ,mundane fashion.Feeling bored is also a choice , no one is stopping you from going ahead and doing all those things that could make your life interesting or exciting!!!!!


A tale of suspense without equal, on a more profound level, it is an unsurpassed study of pride and rebellion, far reaching in its implications. In the midst of troubled transition to the modern age Raoushab  stands as a timeless prototype of alienated youth; the gallery of characters unforgettable ranging from police commissioner to whores on the dreaded streets from incorrigible sinners to the unbearable prig . A vivid vision being in an atmosphere of life charged with living in a world were thought and actions are fused by intensed emotion. "obsession" and " possession" clearly and dramatically visualized with every human consequences..... a tale untold  with retold personality  
 coming soon 



About Me

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im jus me...chilled out waitin for life to thro up its next challenge so i can try n tackle it..